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The Wildhearts: Tivoli, Buckley 29-11-2019

I’ve waited 26 years to see the Wildhearts, they play often enough – the fault is all mine.  Tonight at the Buckley Tivoli they made the wait worthwhile.  Warm, funny, great musicians who rocked like triceratops-es* dipped in melody, they were perfect and I was front and centre, like the rock geek I am.

My ears are ringing still and I had a proper rockgasm during both ‘Diagnosis’, ‘Caffeine Bomb’ and ‘Greetings From Shitsville’, all the tracks from Renaissance Men worked superbly live.

I was quite proud of this shot. I may not wait until 2045 until I see them again.

970 Down (still).

*I’m about 40% sure that it the correct plural form of triceratops – I may have missed the day in school we learned that.

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