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Kick-ass Haul

I popped out for a sandwich yesterday lunchtime* and accidentally ended up, after a 15 minute brisk walk, in a record shop.  Then I had one of those nasty blackouts that I’m prone to and the next thing I knew, wallop! four new LPs.  Why me Lord? Why me?! Why must I be the one to suffer so?!

Four absolute crackers they are too, three of which I’ve wanted for a long time and one impulse buy.

Black Sabbath Headless Cross.  I’ve wanted this one since I read a review of it when it was released in 1989; springing into action a mere 27 years later, here it is.  I’ve seen folks trying to charge silly money for this LP in the last year, or so, but this was just the right price.  First listen is very favourable too.

Black Sabbath Featuring Tony Iomni Seventh Star.  I know this is supposed to be, mostly, pants but it was cheap, I’m a sucker for Glenn Hughes AND the slightly lost and scared looking Tony on the LP cover.  I’ve only played two tracks so far, ‘Danger Zone’ was good.

Cheer up Tone, it might never happen!

The The Infected.  I’ve wanted this LP since my school friend played it to me in ’86.  This is a mint copy with a great big poster that I can now put up over the fireplace at home.  Bizarre fact that I didn’t know before yesterday, the piano player on ‘Heartland’ (wonderful track by the way)? none other than future Marillion vocalist, Steve Hogarth!

Hawkwind Quark Strangeness And Charm.  Again I’ve just been waiting for a decently priced copy to fall into my clutches for a good few years now.  What a great album this is.  A real radical departure from their signature sound.  I stayed up to 1am last night listening to this.

Okay, okay so a sandwich would have been a lot cheaper, but it would have been spiritually less nutritious.  Three LPs finally crossed off the long mental list I lug about with me everywhere I go and that I mentally scroll through every time I hit a record shop and go straight to the ‘B’ section to compose myself.

So I’m off to put on my fringed leather jacket, stand in the desert and look slightly despondent.

You’ve got a friend in me (da da da da daa)

638 Down (still)

*braving temperatures of 5 above freezing and the very real possibility of gentle rainfall – now that’s extreme weather, Canadians!

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