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Can’t beat a New Year’s Resolution or two, how else do you get to feel like a complete failure by the 14th of January? Now, I’m not talking about last year’s, ‘no drink until 2014’ resolution which crashed and burned for rugby-related reasons in March, or the perennial lose a stone one, nope I’m talking about the infamous ‘no new LPs until next year’ one.

I’ve tried and pretty much done it before back in 2009, by the simple means of allowing myself a pass if and only if one of my favourite bands releases an LP – okay so I know that’s not quite hardcore Spartan enough, but it’s a compromise that kept me down to 6 records in 2009.  How many did I buy last year? well I could retitle my blog 1638… so shelf space and common sense reasons dictate I need to slow down a little, now if I was a grown-up with proper urge control this wouldn’t be an issue I could just be mature about the whole thing; and so it goes.

Now hypocrite that I am I have already bought two LPs and a CD recently, the brilliant Cliff Martinez Solaris Soundtrack*, as well as Crippled Black Phoenix The Resurrectionists** – an absolutely amazing album, that I only ever had on download that not nearly enough people know about and that I’ll write about soon.  I also bought one of those silver fast-spinning disc things, the 2 CD version of Sepultura Roots, (The Roots of Sepultura) with all manner of exciting loud bonus bits on top of one seriously already great LP.

But that’s my last unless Nick Cave, or AC/DC, or System of a Down, or Endless Boogie release a new LP in 2014.  Honest.  I pledge to do my best anyway and I almost never, well not really very often, break promises and you have my word on that!

Reckon I’ll make it?

315 Down (still).

P.S – I have also said I’ll buy Black Sabbath Headless Cross on Mike’s blog today.  Hmm.

*on picture disc!!  Picture disc!! Picture disc!!

**I got all enthusiastic again after speaking to a certain Mr Hubner about it and one thing led to another, you know how it is.

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