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Tell & Sell

I love pulp fiction. Nope, not the film, I love pulp fiction from the 30’s through to the 60’s, although I’m no serious collector.  I love its straight unpretentiousness, the fact it was designed to tell and sell (and nothing else) and I love the way it shines a light on the society of the time far better than most serious literature of its day does.  But most of all, I love it for the lurid covers: menaced trussed-up damsels, Aryan Nazis being slugged by good guys, spooky churchyards, bare-chested dudes fighting the elements and of course Satan riding a black Pegasus, all done as graphically as prudish censors would allow.

I was out yesterday with visiting parents in Anglesey when we came across a second-hand bookshop, after checking as I always do for a copy of Julian Cope’s Krautrocksampler in the music section my dad told me to have a look at what he’d found.  It was a bunch of pristine Dennis Wheatley novels in their yellow-spined Arrow Books editions, a bunch of his war stories together with The Satanist and, thrillingly, The Devil Rides Out*  My dad used to have them all in that edition, apparently and told me the war ones weren’t anything special, but the supernatural ones were.

Holmes investigates the cool back cover of The Satanist

As they were all only 50p I also grabbed a copy of The Hound of the Baskervilles** purely for the cover as it’s the third copy of it we have in the house and Thor Heyerdahl’s The Kon-Tiki Expedition^, because I used to have the board game of it when I was 10 and I’d never read it – I love tales of derring-do, they’re exciting and so much easier than having real adventures which tend to make you too hot/too cold, in mortal peril and all too often take you away from a decent Wi-Fi connection and coffee shops.

I’ve started The Devil Rides Out, which four chapters in reads a bit like a cross between Bulldog Drummond and The Famous Five – starring Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Beelzebub the dog.  Great stuff. Now where did I put that Venom LP?

All for £2.50

458 Down in the crimson and steel depths of Hades (still).

*one of my favourite Hammer Horror films too.

**one of my all-time favourite books, I can still remember the sharp thrill of reading it for the first time when I was about 12 (I guess).

^plus I am intrinsically jealous of anyone who has the Christian name Thor.

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