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Too Tired To Post Blues


… must post …. got to post … WILL post …

Coming to the end of a mentally draining week at work and on top of an evening of child taxiing and parents evening, I’m just beat.  I’ve got a few nights out coming up and so I know I won’t be posting for a while otherwise.  I want to post, I want to pick a quiet unassuming LP from my shelves, maybe Gilderoy Brainmelt Fuzzy Ass Dance Special, or Weasel Dave & The Re-offenders Oil Change, Mrs?, but I just don’t have the energy.  I even revised my reviewpectations (see what I did there?) downwards from reviewing the 9LP box set of 1537 & The Obsessives Random Noises What I Made with Cutlery and a Cat Yesterday Lunchtime, to the shaped picture disc of Gentleman’s Excuse Me by Fish; but I just really don’t have the energy to unshackle my usual literary genius and unleash it upon you.  I’m sure F. Scott Fitzgerald would know exactly where I’m coming from*.

So instead I thought I’d give you a real insight into my life for once.  Now I admit that despite the fact blogging is how I, increasingly, get my kicks I am really the secretive type.  I’ve let you into the heavily armed compound that is me, but you’re still only allowed into the first perimeter whilst I show you select things and moon out of the windows at you at 14 minute intervals.  Even if you all got together and stormed the house, you’d find that what you thought was me was in fact a holographic projection controlled from my secret treetop eyrie.  So I’ll expose myself to you, if that’s alright.  So I thought I’d repost a bit of an interview I gave recently to Secretive Dictator Magazine (April edition), I’ll skip the opening editorial bit, because quite frankly all that flattery is a bit embarrassing:

Interviewer: So if you don’t mind answering some quick-fire questions, I find that’s a good way to break the ice.

Genius Blogger (GB, hereafter): Whatever.

Interviewer: Favourite colour?

GB: Electric blue, followed by powder blue

Interviewer: Favourite animal?

GB: Cat, definitely cat.

Interviewer: Favourite film?

GB: Depends on mood, but stick me down for Dazed & Confused, My Name is Joe, Blade Runner, Withnail & I and La Haine.

Interviewer: Politics?

GB: Dangerously liberal, but I think the party political system is an outdated anathema. I vote green.

Interviewer: Do you write ‘proper’ stuff?

GB: Yes but I’m very shy about it and I’m not very tenacious.

Interviewer: Pet hate?

GB: People who do impressions, or put on accents to be funny – they never are.

Interviewer: Pet Love?

GB: I love radio drama and comedy.

Interviewer: Sport?

GB: I’m Welsh, so rugby, obviously. I go whenever I can.

Interviewer: Last book read?

GB: Jeet Thayil: Narcopolis, brilliant book about low-lives and drug addiction in Bombay.  A bit like a more serene, Asian Burroughs.

Interviewer: Dream Job?

GB: Some kind of country warden/conservationist, driving around North Wales in a Landrover counting voles.

…. and I’ll end it there, I’ll spare you the bit where I seduced the interviewer and all the legal and marital furore that followed.

But apart from being too tired to write anything tonight I’m amusing myself by drinking nice coffee and listening to Hawkwind Warrior on The Edge of Time 3CD set lent to me by my friend Will and trying to spot the differences between all the different mixes and preparing myself for psychedelic lift-off tomorrow night.  That and the Hookworms Pearl Mystic, also borrowed from the same source – they’re playing too this weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing them – they sound like a deep-fried version of Neu! and/or Loop and Julian Cope described them as ‘a shoegazing Skynyrd’.

Did I mention I’m going to a beer festival in Liverpool’s most beautiful building before the Psych fest?  my cup truly f-ing runneth over.  I intend to drink a large number of mind-altering brews too.

259 Down (still)

*if he hadn’t drunk and writer’s-blocked himself into the hereafter.

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